2013 series race results / awards picnic
Congratulations to all the EYC’s 2013 series race winners and participants!
The EYC had its best year of racing ever, with hardly any races cancelled due to bad weather, and more overall participants than any prior year (including 32 skippers competing in the Friday 420 series, a record for any EYC series).
The EYC will award its series race trophies at the lunch picnic following the club closing work day on Saturday, August 31. If you won a trophy, please try to be at the picnic (or, better yet, be at BOTH the work day AND the picnic) to receive your award and appropriate admiration, adulation, accolades, and applause.
If you are not able to be there, the EYC will mail your trophy to you.
Complete series race and regatta results for 2013 are at www.eyc.org/racing
Series trophy winners are:
Flying Scot Saturday series (21 skippers competed):
1st Roger Waleffe
2nd John Welch
3rd Jay Lott
Flying Scot Monday series (21 skippers):
1st Teddy Papenthien
2nd Liz Gheorghita
3rd Roger Waleffe
Laser Friday series (16 competitors):
1st Delaney Dykman
2nd Sydney Richter
3rd Chris Bierman
Laser Sunday series (21 competitors):
1st Delaney Dykman
2nd Ally Dykman
3rd Brian Ritter
Laser Masters trophy (highest finisher age 30 or over in the Laser Sunday series): John Welch
420 Friday series (32 skippers):
1st Stefan Peterson
2nd Eric Richter
3rd Roger Waleffe
420 Sunday series (29 skippers):
1st Scott Pearson
2nd Eric Hoyerman
3rd Abby O’Rourke
Optimist June series (all ages) (12 competitors):
1st Eric Hoyerman
2nd Derek Waleffe
3rd Parker Wolf
Optimist Red Fleet series (ages 12-15) (21 competitors):
1st Eric Hoyerman
2nd Sophie Tasker
3rd Derek Waleffe
Optimist Blue Fleet series (ages 11 and under) (21 competitors):
1st Ingrid Pearson
2nd Peter Gallun
3rd Lucy Gallun