Another exciting and fun-filled week at the EYC!
Geezergatta rescheduled to July 6th
The Geezergatta has been rescheduled to this Saturday and will be part of the regular flying scot races. Come out and race against the visiting former instructors and all of you “geezers” can show us that you still have it! Boat draw at 9:00 a.m.
Opti Regatta July 6th and 7th
Sign up now and save yourself $20 in late fees if you wait until Saturday. To sign up, send an email to [email protected]
Come out and break a record with us, July 7th
First Mates coffee, Monday July 8
Hey Ladies, that’s us! Please stop in upstairs at the clubhouse at 9 a.m. for a morning coffee, social hour and learn about upcoming volunteer opportunities at the EYC.
EYC Youth Activity, Wednesday July 10th
Next week’s Youth activity will be Kickball at the Sister Bay Sports complex. This time it’s just for the kiddos! More information and the sign-up will be posted at the clubhouse.
An evening with Peter Grimm
Also on Wednesday, July 10th please gather upstairs in the clubhouse beginning at 7:00pm. From 7:30-8:30, Peter Grimm will discuss the evolution of sailboat racing over the last 50 years via live Skype. Peter Grimm has more than five decades of sailing and 100,000 sea miles under his belt, to learn more about Peter visit this link . We will conclude the evening with dessert and coffee. Please bring a dessert to pass.
First Mates potluck July 11th, 6:00 p.m.
The annual First Mates (Ladies) Social is just around the corner. Please bring an appetizer of choice to share. This event is BYOB Yacht Club please your drink of choice for yourself and/or others. Glasses, water & ice, silverware, plates and napkins will be provided. Please include your own serving utensil for your appetizer, if necessary. Desserts are also welcome. We are hoping to see all of you at the Ephraim Village Hall on July 11th.
EYC Volunteer Recognition
Upcoming events:
We are looking forward to these events stay tuned for more information: Men’s night on the dock, the Rich Hall junior Regatta and the EYC Laser Regatta.