So long farewell…the EYC season comes to a close
Last Friday Pop-up Shop
Friday August, 12th is the last Pop-up shop on the dock for the 2022 season. We will be on the dock from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You know you need some EYC gear to represent during the off season. We will also have a pop-up during Commodore’s Party, although with a limited range of items.
Thanks to all of you that volunteered this summer to help with sales, we couldn’t have done it without you! Thanks to Lisa Olson, Sandra Annoye, Liz Dischner, Ellen Yamamoto, Carmen Graham, Carol Miles, Tava Wilson, Julie Kirchner, Sara Knight, Marsella and Tim Fults, Jane Kennedy and Dennis Hogan.
EYC Annual Membership Meeting
Commodore’s Party
This Saturday, August 13th @ 6:00 pm., Commodore’s Cocktail party will be held at beautiful Hidden Acres farm in Sister Bay. Join us for our season ending social and awards announcements. All ages welcome!
Click this LINK to view the Commodore’s Invitation for all the details. We still need a couple of volunteers use this LINK to help out.
Monday Night Bunco
We will be playing Bunco one last night on Monday, August 15th at. Hang out, have fun, and meet old and new friends. 7:00 p.m. at the upper level in the clubhouse.
Annual EYC/EYH Scavenger Hunt
On Saturday, August 20th @6:00 p.m the EYC and EYH will be hosting their annual Adult Scavenger Hunt. This is a fun evening around Ephraim. For more information and to Sign up use this link Adult Scavenger Hunt
Ephraim Regatta Thank you’s
We had a great weekend of good wind and nice sailing for the 117th Regatta. The Regatta Chairs- Woody and Emily Heidler would like to thank all of those that helped make this year’s Regatta successful including PRO Geoff Endris, Fred Horwitz, John Archibald, Bob Aring, Matt Winnacker, Chalyn Elking, Lisa Gifford, John Peterson and Deanna Peterson, Steve Crane, Steve Sauter, Eric (Cricket) Herndon, Karyn Herndon, Liz Dischner, Carol Fiedler, Laura O’Rourke, Cain Goettleman/FLS Banners, Bill and Heather Anderson, Nancy Claypool, Geoff and Claudia Werner, Henry Morof, Matt Smith, Stefan Peterson, Will Gheorghita and the EYC staff.
A big thank you to our Regatta Party volunteers: Suzanne Lisle, Nancy Pillat, Maggie Petterman, Melissa Mielke, Lisa Gifford and Kirk Brown.
Regatta Results can be found here at this LINK