16 days until the 117th Ephraim Regatta
Laser Regatta
The Laser regatta is this weekend. We currently have plenty of EYC Lasers available for those folks that need to enter the boat draw. Please register using this link: https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registration_form.php?regatta_id=24553.
117th Ephraim Regatta
Our biggest regatta of the year is 16 days away. The 117th Ephraim Regatta is on Saturday, August 6th and Sunday, August 7th. Register with this Link: https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registration_form.php?regatta_id=24177
Please note, any EYC member interested in participating in the boat draw should send an email to [email protected] with the skipper’s name and the regatta name prior to July 28th, 2022 at 12:00PM requesting to be in the boat draw, and receive an email confirmation of receipt, to be entered.
Don’t forget when registering to sign up for the FREE racing clinic on Friday, August 5th. This clinic is being led by Flying Scot North American and Midwinter champions, David Ames and PJ Buehler. The clinic is from 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Thank you Sauter and Dischner families for sponsoring this clinic.
The Ephraim Regatta Party will be held at Maxwelton Braes from 6pm to 9pm on Saturday, August 6th . All ages are welcome!
Jr Activity Wednesdays
Next week’s Jr. activity is the Scavenger Hunt in Ephraim. The activity will start/finish @EYC! Come ready to hunt and wear good walking shoes! Wednesday, July 27, 6:00-7:30 pm. We need some parent helpers at each activity, if interested sign-up at the clubhouse.
EYC Merchandise Sales
EYC pop-up shop on the dock, this Friday 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Come check out this year’s designs and the 117th Regatta UV Shirts!! We need volunteers for sales during Ephraim Regatta weekend sign-up using this VOLUNTEER LINK
Joani Lewis Memorial Sail and Social
Memorial Service for Anne Glabe
Long time EYC Member Anne Glabe passed away October 6th, 2021. A memorial Service will be held for her at the Ephraim Moravian Church on Sunday, July 31st at 3:30 pm.
First Mates Potluck
The EYC “first mates” enjoyed some food, fun and fellowship last Thursday at the Ephraim Village Hall. A huge thank you to Debbie Brightbill, Karen Bierman, and Barb Hambleton for coordinating this event. They did a wonderful job transforming the village hall. Thanks to all who brought wonderful dishes, a great times was had by all!