Blessing of the Fleet/Remembrance/Opening Social
Ephraim Yacht Club 10071 Water Street, Ephraim, WI, United States5:30pm - Blessing of the Fleet 5:45pm - Remembrance 6:00pm - Opening Social
5:30pm - Blessing of the Fleet 5:45pm - Remembrance 6:00pm - Opening Social
Hosted by the EYC at Ephraim Village Hall
Bring a topping to share!
This year, the Ephraim Regatta Party will be held rain or shine at Olga Dana Green across from the EYC. All racers, members, and friends are welcome! We will have drinks, yard games, good music and the very tasty Great Lakes BBQ for dinner. The party will run from 6pm to 9pm. If you have ... continue reading