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Summer Phone: 920-854-7107



Welcome to the EYC! Whether you are an avid racer, a recreational sailor, or a landlubber, the Ephraim Yacht Club is the best place to be in Door County. Our members enjoy watching the Eagle Harbor Sunsets, kayaking/paddle boarding with friends, swimming off the dock, attending the many social events, watching  or racing in the week night races or the many regattas, playing bridge or bunco, learning to sail and visiting with friends and family on the dock. Whether you are a youngster, in your middle years, or an “oldster”, you will find wonderful ways to enjoy your time each summer, and you’ll make long lasting friends at EYC!







Annual Social Calendar

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Annual Social Events


EYC Opening Social

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This is always a fun night to meet the staff, reunite with summer friends and meet EYC’s new members in a casual and friendly environment on the dock. EYC supplies beverages. Please bring an appetizer to share. This event is open to EYC members and guests ages 18 and up, and to all EYC staff. To volunteer, please sign up here.

Aaron R Moore Fyr Bal Pancake Breakfast

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The EYC’s Fyr Bal Pancake Breakfast is held at the Ephraim Village Hall. Breakfast includes all-you-can-eat-and-drink buttermilk pancakes, Marchants breakfast sausage links, coffee and orange juice. This is a bargain at only $12 per person ($7 children age 10 and under). The Pancake Breakfast is a great way to start off your Fyr Bal weekend and to catch up with your friends as summer begins. All proceeds benefit the ARM Scholarship fund.  This event is open to everyone, so please invite your friends even if they are not EYC members! Please signup to volunteer

July 4th Ice Cream Social

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This FREE event is open to EYC members and guests of all ages. Please bring a topping to share. Scoopers are needed. Thank you to Steve Sauter and family for hosting this wonderful annual event. To volunteer, please sign up here.

Family Fiesta

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Details to come!

First Mates Ladies Sunset Social

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This event is held at EYC.   The women’s potluck is a fun and casual evening to catch up with your old friends and meet new friends. Everyone brings their favorite dish to share and their choice of beverage. To volunteer, please sign up here

Men’s Golf:

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Land Ho! Fore! Men’s Night on the dock has pivoted.  Look forward to the annual EYC afternoon golf outing at the Peninsula Golf Course.  There will be foursomes for a scramble. style tournament.  Prizes award and drinks at the golf course bar immediately following. Availability on a first come, first served basis.   Cost is $80 per golfer to cover green and cart fees.  Contact Andrew Gifford to sign up.

Saturday Ephraim Regatta Party

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This year, the Ephraim Regatta Party will be held rain or shine at Olga Dana Green across from the EYC.  All racers, members, and friends are welcome!  We will have drinks, yard games, good music and the very tasty Great Lakes BBQ for dinner.  The party will run from 6pm to 9pm.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Woody and Emily Heidler at [email protected]

The Annual EYC Commodore’s Party

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Wine, beer and sodas provided. Please bring appetizer to share.   Suggested optional donation Adults $20. Children 18 and younger, $10. All proceeds benefit the Ephraim Yacht Club.

EYC Gala

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This themed fundraiser is not-to-be-missed! Great food, drinks, company, music and dancing. You can’t ask for anything better. See you there.






Weekly Social Calendar

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Weekly Social Activities

Friday Evening Social & Post-Race Family Potluck

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Join your fellow club members at the end of the dock to watch races, nibble on snacks, socialize and enjoy the sunset.

Once the races finish, there will be a family potluck for all. Please bring a dish to share.

EYC Bridge

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Bridge at Ephraim Yacht Club


The summer bridge program at EYC is set to be enjoyed, following the same model as has been scheduled in previous years.  If circumstance requires a change, notification will be done via email to all members.

Open Play will be offered on Mondaysfrom 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., beginning on June 10th and on Thursdays from 9:30-11:30, beginning on June 13th.  The American Standard System is the basis of play.  This is geared to members who have taken lessons at the club, or those lessons elsewhere and experience are comparable.  No partner of signup is needed for open play offerings.    

Weekly Couples Bridge will be held on Tuesdays, June 11th, at 4:30 p.m.  Players should come with a partner, or contact one of the coordinators who may be able to help match a partner request.  Players keep the same partner all evening.  The Tuesday group generally selects a restaurant for dinner out following the bridge games, but that is optional.  

Please remember, a paid EYC membership is required to participate in any bridge programs.

If you have questions about any of the bridge offerings, please contact Suzanne Lisle.  [email protected]


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Ephraim Yacht Club BuncoMany ladies of the EYC enjoy playing Bunco on Monday nights at 7pm from late June to early August. This is an all-inclusive group and Bunco is a very easy game.  So even if you have never heard of it, come anyway. You’ll learn it in 3 minutes, and you’ll have lots of new friends before the evening is over. The conversation is just as important as the game. Simple snacks are provided, and we always take a short break to enjoy the sunset! See you there.  This activity supports EYC educational programs.



Junior Activities

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Participants must be an EYC student or family member.  Ages 8 to 18 years are welcome. Younger childr

en must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.  A junior Activities sign up sheet is located in the clubhouse and will be posted one week in advance of event.

Junior Activities sign up sheet is located in the clubhouse and will be posted one week in advance of event. Participants must be an EYC student or family member.  Ages 8 to 18 years are welcome.  Younger children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

EYC Junior Activity Schedule: All events begin at 6pm on Wednesday Nights

2024 Junior Activities! Thank you Tava Wilson, Eliana Nagrant and Jane Shannon for organizing Jr. Activities. Please volunteer to help!

2025 Schedule Coming soon!



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Mah Jong is coming to the EYC!   Starting this summer, Mahjong will be held on  Wednesdays from 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 pm.  This will be a drop in league and the number of tables will be determined by the number of players.

All players will need to purchase a Mahjong card to participate.  The official  card can be purchased for $15 at   Feel free to email or call if you have any questions. Mah Jong Master (lol) Laura Moegenburg  [email protected] or 262-227-9837