EYC’s Learn to Sail Program and Racing Series Update
New Class for 2024
Summer is almost here and the Learn to Sail program will kick off on Monday, June 10th! We offer lessons from Beginners to advanced and everything in between, including a power boating and adult lessons.
Do you have a sailor who loves the 420/RS Tera or maybe a water rat who wants to improve their racing skills? Perhaps, you have a sailor looking for a more challenging course?
Intro to Racing is an ideal course for intermediate or advanced students who are excited to move FAST(er)! This course is coached by an accomplished college sailor (Hobart and William Smith College), Frances Depke, who is new to our staff this year. This course will be primarily taught in our 420 Fleet, or depending on the weight and size of the sailor, in our RS Teras, a perfect boat that is particularly suited for sailors looking to transition out of Optis.
Frances will guide students through the intricacies of effective racing strategy and tactics, offering insights that go beyond the basics. Unlike any other EYC course, this course includes common starting techniques, cover vs. fleet splitting decision making, and leveraging racing rules to your advantage. Sailboat racing opens doors to lifelong opportunities across various age groups and levels, from youth and high school competitions to collegiate and beyond. “Intro to Racing” serves as an invaluable stepping stone for honing competitive skills, setting sail towards a future filled with thrilling challenges and victories on the water.
EYC Weekly Race series
The EYC offers a weekly race series for our members to put their knowledge into action! Our weekly race series hosts a different fleet in the evenings on Mondays(Opti’s and Scots), Tuesdays(420’s and Lasers), Thursdays(Opti’s and RS Teras)) and Friday s(420’s and Lasers) and in the morning on Saturdays(Flying Scots). We kick off our racing series on Saturday, June 16th with our Flying Scot fleet.
Many sessions are full or filling up fast!
These sessions are currently full:
Beginner 1: B morning, B1 morning, B2 morning, B2 afternoon, C morning, C2 morning, D1 morning, D2 morning, F morning. For Beginner 2: B1, C1, C2 D1 all morning, Intermediate: B2, C2 morning , Adventure Sailing: B2 afternoon, D2 and E morning.
Don’t wait! We have limited availability for Beginner 1 and 2 in June, Adventure Sailing in June and July. If you are looking for a particular lesson type or session check availability in our afternoon sessions. Sign up for lessons with this link Sailing Lessons
Counting the days until we…
See you on the dock!!
Summer is Officially Here — Swimming, Fridays at the EYC, Ice Cream Social, Opti Regatta, and Fyr Bal Thank Yous
Swimming at the EYC
Summer is officially here and that means the waters of Eagle Harbor are just right for a swim. Please remember, there are no life guards at the EYC. The EYC instructors will monitor swimming of students in their classes only during the lesson time. All students must wear a PFD during lessons. Parents need to communicate swimming rules for their child with their child. The EYC assumes no responsibility for swimmers.
Fridays at the EYC
The pop-up shop will be open on Fridays from 9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m. Come on down to shop for your EYC gear. We have hats, burgees, t-shirts, hoodies, and totes! This year’s totes are made from EYC sails. We are looking for volunteers to help come down and help after lesson drop-off or after your morning coffee run. Use this Merchandise Sales Volunteer Form.
Friday night Races and Potluck will be held this week. Lasers and 420’s race at 6:00 p.m. Boat Draw is at 5:00 p.m.
July 4th Ice Cream Social
Come on out and enjoy this annual family gathering to celebrate the 4th of July. Come on down to the dock at 7:00 p.m., meet up with friends and make new ones. Bring an ice cream topping to share, and enjoy making your own bespoke ice cream sundae. All ice cream generously donated by Ice Cream Source, and Jessica and Steve Sauter. We are still looking for volunteer scoopers (18 and up), if you can lend a hand, sign up!!!
Opti Regatta being held July 15th and 16th
This year’s Opti Regatta will be held in mid-July. Regattas are open to non-club members, so all sailors are welcome!!! However, you must be a club member to be eligible for the EYC-owned boat draw. Please check our website for more racing information and the Notice of Race.
Fyr Bal Pancake Breakfast a Huge Success
Another successful Fyr Bal Pancake Breakfast is in the books! We cannot thank our volunteers enough, through their efforts we whipped up 50 lbs of batter, flipped pancakes for more than 250 Fyr Bal enthusiasts, sliced 56 lbs of strawberries, grilled 55 lbs of Marchant’s sausages, and served over 300 cups of juice & coffee all with energy and a smile! We had many repeat volunteers and a few EYC guests that jumped in and made the morning such a blast! The EYC raised $1764 for Door County resident sailing scholarships. We hope to see you next year in the kitchen, at the door, or behind the grill or griddles. Jane Ford & Lisa Forsman were our amazing co chairs for this event!!
Fyr Bal Family Cookout
See you on the dock!
EYC June events- ARM Scholarship Fundraiser, Opening Social
The Ephraim Yacht Club is happy to announce
the 8th Annual EYC Aaron R. Moore Sailing Scholarship Fundraiser!
We will pay tribute to our departed members with a remembrance at 5:45 p.m.
The Opening Social will begin at 6:00 PM. Wine, Beer and soft drinks will be served.
Please bring an appetizer to share. This is an adult only event.
We will also be introducing our 2021 EYC Staff.
Come down to celebrate the opening of our sailing season and
check out our restoration projects!
Thank you, cleaning crew!!
We loved the buzz on the dock as the many volunteers made quick work of all our opening tasks.
The can do spirit and sense of community is what makes this club work!
We truly appreciate each and everyone of our volunteers,
A special shout out goes to the sailors from the Gibralter HS Sailing Team that came out to lend a hand!
Summer is Here! All hands on Deck!
Many hands needed for Opening Day Clean-up!

Summer at the EYC
What are you most looking forward to this summer at the EYC? Is it the weekly racing in a 420, Laser or Scot?
Is it jumping off the dock and swimming to the platform, Youth Activities, Bridge, Bunco, or Friday night cookouts?
Your kids’ happy smiles as they return from sailing lessons? Is it watching the sunsets from Eagle Harbor?
Maybe it’s the ARM Fundraiser Gala and Auction on June 26th or the Ephraim Regatta on Aug. 7th?
We are looking forward to all those things and more!
Summer is here!
See you on the dock!!
Summertime, Summertime, Sum, Sum summertime
Let’s get ready for Summer!
JUNE 14– EYC Sailing Lessons begin with Session A. Registration continues for all sessions and the EYC dock will soon be buzzing with activity so don’t delay, summer sailing lessons are filling up fast. All the Beginner morning sessions are almost at capacity. Don’t forget, there are lots of options for all skill levels and ages!
Join the fun, learn new skills, meet new friends and make lasting friendships. Sign up here-
Questions? Email the Education Team: [email protected]
JUNE 26– Gala dinner and silent auction to benefit the EYC’s Aaron R. Moore Sailing Scholarship. Northern Haus @ 6:30 p.m. Get Ready! Ticket Registration coming soon.
Sailors use this check list and be prepared for Summer Sailing at the EYC
1. Sign-up for lessons
2. Become a member
No Fooling, to be included in the EYC directory, you must renew your membership or join by April 1st. Renew or join here at MEMBERSHIP . Don’t forget when renewing to update your personal information for yourself and any family members (email, address, phone #’s)
Want to join the EYC? We have 5 levels of membership.
- Family: $225/yr ( member, spouse and children under 25 years old)
- Senior and Senior Couples: $200/yr ( member or member spouse age 71 and over)
- Single: $200/yr ( member age 25-70)
- Young Adult: $50/yr (age 25-30) no initiation fee and limited membership benefits**
- Student: $75/yr (age 24 and under) no initiation fee and limited membership benefits**
**no voting and no reciprocal club privileges
If you need any assistance with your membership renewal or new membership registration please contact Lisa Gifford at: [email protected]