New Class for 2024
Summer is almost here and the Learn to Sail program will kick off on Monday, June 10th! We offer lessons from Beginners to advanced and everything in between, including a power boating and adult lessons.
Do you have a sailor who loves the 420/RS Tera or maybe a water rat who wants to improve their racing skills? Perhaps, you have a sailor looking for a more challenging course?
Intro to Racing is an ideal course for intermediate or advanced students who are excited to move FAST(er)! This course is coached by an accomplished college sailor (Hobart and William Smith College), Frances Depke, who is new to our staff this year. This course will be primarily taught in our 420 Fleet, or depending on the weight and size of the sailor, in our RS Teras, a perfect boat that is particularly suited for sailors looking to transition out of Optis.
Frances will guide students through the intricacies of effective racing strategy and tactics, offering insights that go beyond the basics. Unlike any other EYC course, this course includes common starting techniques, cover vs. fleet splitting decision making, and leveraging racing rules to your advantage. Sailboat racing opens doors to lifelong opportunities across various age groups and levels, from youth and high school competitions to collegiate and beyond. “Intro to Racing” serves as an invaluable stepping stone for honing competitive skills, setting sail towards a future filled with thrilling challenges and victories on the water.
EYC Weekly Race series
The EYC offers a weekly race series for our members to put their knowledge into action! Our weekly race series hosts a different fleet in the evenings on Mondays(Opti’s and Scots), Tuesdays(420’s and Lasers), Thursdays(Opti’s and RS Teras)) and Friday s(420’s and Lasers) and in the morning on Saturdays(Flying Scots). We kick off our racing series on Saturday, June 16th with our Flying Scot fleet.
Many sessions are full or filling up fast!
These sessions are currently full:
Beginner 1: B morning, B1 morning, B2 morning, B2 afternoon, C morning, C2 morning, D1 morning, D2 morning, F morning. For Beginner 2: B1, C1, C2 D1 all morning, Intermediate: B2, C2 morning , Adventure Sailing: B2 afternoon, D2 and E morning.
Don’t wait! We have limited availability for Beginner 1 and 2 in June, Adventure Sailing in June and July. If you are looking for a particular lesson type or session check availability in our afternoon sessions. Sign up for lessons with this link Sailing Lessons
Counting the days until we…
See you on the dock!!